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Showing posts from 2016

'...All these things'

Hmm,so many things taking our attention;here and there. It seems like they all are beautiful/attractive/deeply needed in themselves. Our soul been so thirsty/cries out for it, we deeply assume those things are 'true'. So we chase after them. Spending our time,energy,resourse just to make things work/get what exactly it is that attracts us. Well,its really not a sin;in itself. Its in itself a natural inclination for every human. But there's something I really want to point out here: when what we seek(above all) becomes 'our love for other things' rather than  'our love for God', then its becomes an anomaly. Matthew 6:33King James Version (KJV) 33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. Isn't it interesting, how that, the things that shall be added unto us can take up our attention from the love of God(our Father)? God's love is so big, it can attract any good thing (its just ...

'...All these things'

Hmm, so many things taking our attention; here and there. It seems like they all are beautiful/attractive/deeply needed in themselves. Our soul been so thirsty/cries out for it and we deeply assume those things are 'true' thus chasing after them. Spending our time, energy, resource just to make things work/get what exactly it is that attracts us. Well, its really not a sin; in itself. Its in itself a natural inclination for every human. But there's something I really want to point out here: when what we seek(above all) becomes 'our love for other things' rather than  'our love for God', it becomes an anomaly. Matthew 6:33King James Version (KJV) 33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. Isn't it interesting, how that, the things that shall be added unto us can take up our attention from the love of God(our Father)? Seems like that love is so big, it can attract any good thing (its...


Whew!! It's been a really long while time :) .I've been quite busy with school:) So I came across one of the posters from  mygracecards  (a facebook page I created to express the chronicles in my mind))  and I realized how true it is for you and I.  Very subconsciously we have believed in ourselves to be able to get things done. I say subconscious because sometimes we just do things and it seems like the norm; we let it pass, giving no meaning to it.  The truth is,some of these things are what count in our days of despair or when we need to encourage ourselves.  It's important that you find the value in what you have gone through and let it propel you to a greater height. Sometimes we have to take a look at where we are coming from(where we have been) and we will have an idea of not just how much we can do but how far we can go. :) I hope you find strength as you take a look at your life and see how much strength you displayed in certain situat...


Preparation is one of those words you've probably heard a thousand and one times. I want to point your attention to something interesting about preparation that I realized. Especially when God drops somethings in our hearts.. I was thinking some days ago about how God drops certain things in our hearts and sometimes we don't really get why He is asking us to do such things.Or maybe we get why but we just can't bring ourselves to do it. Here's ' a why '- He always wants to prepare us for what he has preparing for us somewhere in the future . Most of the time,what he expects of us may be  things we are not so used to or would sure hit into our regular kinda life.You most likely would have an internal struggle and maybe,procrastinate/try not to face it. I am one of those people who can try pushing aside what God would have me do.But I came to realize that my prayers would require actions that probably only God can give a specific leading. And also...


Preparation is one of those words you've probably heard a thousand and one times. I want to point your attention to something interesting about preparation that I realized. Especially when God drops somethings in our hearts.. I was thinking some days ago about how God drops certain things in our hearts and sometimes we don't really get why He is asking us to do such things.Or maybe we get why but we just can't bring ourselves to do it. Here's ' a why '- He always wants to prepare us for what he has preparing for us somewhere in the future . Most of the time,what he expects of us may be  things we are not so used to or would sure hit into our regular kinda life.You most likely would have an internal struggle and maybe,procrastinate/try not to face it. I am one of those people who can try pushing aside what God would have me do.But I came to realize that my prayers would require actions that probably only God can give a specific leading. And also b...

Would you?

Its 4 days after my grad from the uni today. It was such an exciting day for me.Took lots of pictures and still trying to collects them together. :) Here are some of them if you care to feed your eyes: Yeah,thats me :)  This is Korede and her sister Busayo. They are like family to  me :).They are siblings by the way and yeah,she(Busayo) bakes heavenly cakes.  The official pose..  I'm so excited about this particular shot! I look so  That's Korede and Busayo's Aunt and Uncle. Reminising on how the years have gone by and how i have had so many plans and aspirations through my years in the uni,I though it would be a good point to write on. Its amazing how time goes by. The question I have for you today is- would you have done all your heart know you should have done within a frame of time that you have in a particular place? Especially as a child of God,who has desires placed in your heart by God. I say this because ...


*Laziness inspired*-My laziness inspired this!! I am a very huge fan of been yourself. This is because i believe everyone has been created uniquely to fulfill God's purpose for them on earth. I deeply believe that anyone can become whatever they set their minds to doing. And truth is that no body can do thing like someone else. I mean,people may be up to the same task but they will carry out the same task differently and can come out with both results been excellent. This is because everyone has been wired differently. So also everyone has a space they have been created to occupy on God's earth.  I believe that God has given us thought patterns and ways that we can get things done. The things is,you have to give yourself to growth.i have to give myself to growth-the right materials,challenges etc.These things will influence our way of thinking,doing things and even presenting ourselves.Thus,when we live this way,we would have lived out the life God intended for us t...

Lesson 10: Unlearn &Relearn

Growth is in loops. Its a cycle. What really does it mean to be willing to unlearn and relearn? To unlearn is to undo what you have always known and to relearn is to take up a new knowledge. Its to be willing to do away with what you have always known and be willing to get a better understanding,knowledge of something. The fact that one has learnt something once doesn't mean one knows it all.That one learnt something doesn't mean one can really apply it right.That one learnt something doesn't even make it the right thing. Especially because things always present in different forms and ways. Everything(people,society,etc) is changing everyday,so also are the dynamics of things changing,though,principles will remain. I realized that to do this effectively,I have to pay attention to details like I wrote  here . Through it all,I realized that I must be ready to unlearn and relearn some truths so I can grow and keep growing. Unlearning will require you to give other peop...

Lesson9: Plan

This word,as simple as it sound is so profound. One of those school days I remember stopping twice along the way just to take a better view of the road and figure out how to pass through;simply because the road was messy and I had to be very careful else I raise dirt on my clothes. These two pauses reminded me of how important it is to take some time out,every once in a while to make plans on how things should go. Have you ever had an idea,spoken to in fact several people about it and then end up not doing it? Its usually because of one of two things-you didn't have a plan or something else got in the way and choked your plan. A plan is simply a road map you have for what you are all about per time. One of the reasons I believe people do not plan or find it difficult to plan is because we always want to be doing something!  You get so used to doing so many things that it gets uncomfortable doing nothing. To plan is simply to pause and deine how things should go. Though...

Lesson 8: Face your fears

Oppositions are opportunities in disguise. I don't want to believe its only youths that have fears. I believe that every once in a while as we walk on the path of destiny,there are certain things that may pop up and whisper fear in our hearts. Facing my fears was another thing I had to learn to do. Still learning though! Doing things afraid was my way of been courageous. Fears really do come in different shapes,patterns,forms. It could range from starting up a project to even opening up to either give or receive love. (Oh Yeah!I said that!!) One thing I  actually came to learn is that fear cripples.It cripples even your creativity. It cripples your ability to explore and discover whether or not something is really is really possible. I discovered I had a little more confidence in myself for every moment I did what I had the instinct to do  even if I was afraid. And for every step that I took,I was freer in my spirit to have taken the step Actually,facing your fears ...

The Balance Of Two Worlds

Its very easy to get so caught up in the cares(plans) for tomorrow that you do not  enjoy the beauty in  today. Very few things bit having a plan for your future. But you need to be careful that in planning for the future you lose touch of the present. Planning for the future also requires you to pay good attention to your present. Every today will someday be a yesterday and every tomorrow will someday be a today. Not paying attention to the beauty is an habit that will definitely translate into not appreciating the beauty in tomorrow. This is why its very important that you guard your mind and stay conscious and appreciative of where you are per time. The people around you,the task at hand,the moments you spend in different places,the position you possibly occupy,etc. This is what really defines you. This is what makes life worth living;having a plan for tomorrow(the future) yet not been too carried away as not to enjoy and grow in the present moment. As you have th...

Lesson 7: Speak-up/Keep quiet

Words! To speak up or to be quiet can be a difficult one to know.What exactly to say even when you decide to speak is also very important. I spoke a little about paying attention to details  here  . Do you know that every word you say affects who you say them to? Even how you construct your  sentences? Yes,it really does. There are just few points I will list out concerning speaking up/keeping quiet. Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh,says the bible. So,whether you like it or not,whether you are aware or not,whether you meant to say something or not;what you say defines you! I mean,it sharpens anyone's perception of you.More than ever before I had to be extra care what I said and actually think before talking. What you say influences people. Whether you like it or not,it does and you want to be careful that what you are saying is well placed.(well constructed) Silence is consent- This I especially had to learn because it dawned on me that whatev...

Another kind of believe;Be your loudest cheer leader

With a very big smile on my face I write this-Another kind of believe! God has got great logistic plans;very great;very intellectually planned. He has His way of bringing people your way or putting people along your path to see something in you that you probably do not see in yourself at that time. Or maybe you even recognize the big you but somehow you just are not able to bring yourself to accept ( receive) it.  I want to talk to you about another kind of believe. This kind is the one you have in yourself. Its important that beyond the external support we have,we build ourselves to that point of been grounded in our believe of ourselves. The reason so many never rise is because usually they want to be accepted by certain people.They approach someone and once the person doesn't deliver they just 'mello' on their dreams or aspirations. Its a process,it takes a period of believing and disbelieving even in your self,but its necessary if you are going to soar in life. And ...

Lesson 6: Know yourself; be yourself

There is more to knowing yourself than just knowing your name. There is a saying that you cannot be effective without been authentic.  To go through life excellently,its important to know oneself. How do I mean? Things work very differently for people,which is because God has made each one of us uniquely. For some people, its so easy to read up 10 pages of a book in about 30 minutes while some others will take up to 60,90 or even 120 minutes.  Personally I realize how much of time i needed to spend on certain things before i can come out with something more than average or just good. Knowing where you stand as a person in your relationships, in how you handle issues, in how to even take care of you is very important . This is because its a baseline for your improvement or growth. I had to get to that point where I eliminated certain things from my schedule just to focus on doing some other things better. The more you function from the standpoint of an understanding of ...

Lesson five: Holding Your Peace!

Hmm,this one,its very easy to lose it!Like just like that!! This one was the one I had to really dig my heels in to do-lol. What exactly is peace? Peace is calmness and tranquility.Its been 'still' even in the midst of a storm or turmoil.I came to realize that no matter how 'bam' you are,somethings you may not want happening will pop up someday.But then,things are to test and prove what we have got on the inside.I came to learn that Peace is one of the things Jesus gave us.Two bible verses really stood out for me.The bible says  "Peace I leave with you,my peace I give to you.I do not give to you as the world gives.Do not let your heart be troubled.And do not be afraid." John 14:27 This one helped me grow in faith;because I realized that,though Jesus left his peace with me,I have a role to play in enjoying that peace.Apparently,God is not ready to raise a lazy people.So you gotta fight for your peace any whole way you can.Having to hold my peace is one...

The walk to Stability

I hope you are inspired by the lines of this write up. Had it run all over my head as i woke up one evening. ******           ****** This piece,that piece And this one..that other one too What is going on? Is there a switch somewhere? How many shades will I see? How long will it take? With different intentions Yet expressing different actions Is it because of my attention? Whats going on? On this minute,Off the next High this minute,Low the next All alive this minute,all down-low the next  (Is there ever going to be a day that I'll be totally 'alive'?) Is there a switch somewhere? The good side,and then the less good The friendly side,and then the less friendly How many shades will I see? Been on this for a really long time Had a hope of a time to celebrate it Right now I'm thinking; How long will it take? (Smiling) But I'll keep on walking I'll keep on walking with my limp Ain't I got a whole life ahead? I will do better t...

Lesson Four: Loyalty

Loyalty  is faithfulness or a  devotion  to a  person ,  country , group, or cause.  Its looking into something you are convinced you should be doing and staying true to that cause. This lesson was interesting for me because God kindof took me back to the case of Ruth,Naomi and Opah in the bible. Ruth happen to be a blessed  woman with two sons. She had all things going good/well for her until a disaster she had not prepared for came upon her household. First,her husband died,then her sons-these happen to her in another land-her husband moved the whole household to a foreign land. He probably had some new business deal there or life was supposedly going to be more palatable there. Now she was left with no one but her daughters-in-law.What a loss? It was like everyone she has ever loved for a tangible responsible period of her life is gone. Everyone she could possible resonate with was no more. They weren't traveled,they weren't living in some other ...

Lesson three:Personal Growth

Its exactly one week since the time I should have put out this piece.I had it hanging there in my dashboard.I had to jump off my bed to put it up right now;realizing how procrastination can can stop you from reaching your goals.How it can cling to you so closely that your dreams sleep off. How that one has to keep fighting to do what you ought to do is what this teaches me! #Much remorse right now_sad face. Hope you catch the lesson in this piece :) Personal Growth. Hmm,this very part!!! Very few things beat personal growth in life. This one hit me real big in 2015. For real, very few things beat personal growth.  In fact I believe its the key to any form of greatness(multiple success). If you are like me whom is the last child,you are probably already used to depending on others or like allowing things just happen and not 'taking charge'. Or maybe its not just a last child thing,its a normal thing that happens to everyone(at least at some point or the other). ...

Lesson 2: Paying Attention To Details.

In this time where everything is on the fast lane; fast food, microwave cooking and, if you are a student like me,you would probably also rush for classes, its very easy to pay little or no attention to details.  Details are the core or connecting dots in attaining true or in-dept understanding.They are those tiny information that are easily waved off or shoved off.  Paying attention to details helps us to do things thoroughly and thus get the very best of it. Most people do not like paying attention to details and some unknowingly don't because they claim there's no time or are not ready to 'slow down'. Paying attention requires time and patience.  The thing is, the things you take quality time to do usually pays off on the long run.Whatever you get the 'true feel' of sticks with you longer. It comes in 2 forms: REFLECTION - ruminating on your past experiences and making sense out of them for your growth or future life before ...

Lesson One: Knowing 'your' God

There are 7.4 billion people on earth. Findings say adults make 35,000 decisions daily while babies make 3000 decisions(you didn't know that,did you?). About 3.2 billion fall within the age range of 15-44years of age. Very few things bring life and excitement or enthusiasm like a new idea you think is so great. It could almost take all your attention and mind.You can almost have an 'action rush' , as you would go all the way out just to get your idea to come into reality. Note that an action rush is different from a 'steady build '. Like any other great thing in life, challenges,especially unprecedented will arise (many of them disrupting your plan!) I came to realize that nothing beats a person who not just has an idea but knows God. I got to this point in 2015 where I just had to settle to really find my God and grow my faith. What exactly does it mean to know God? Knowing God is like enlarging your understanding of God and establishing a personal strong be...


Hi hi hi!!! Its been a while yeah? Yes I know. But i am excited to be here. I am working on a series of 10 lessons I learnt in 2015. In a nutshell though, I learnt to speak from been silent I learnt to be silent form speaking I learnt to pay attention from neglecting I learnt to neglect from paying attention I learnt to smile beyond the pain I learnt to go on my knees(pray) I learnt to trust God It was really a defining year for me. Like, every of God's word made so much sense like never before. Okay,let me stop there...  I should be releasing them from Wednesday 20th. Never stop praising God regardless of what's going on. Have a grateful heart for whatever little you have. Remember~ All things work together for good for those that love the Lord and are the called according to His purpose .-Romans 8:28. :) P.S: I had the opportunity to serve in my church at school,that's how I got to learn certain things. So,get a place of worship to serve God; God's go...