Hmm,so many things taking our attention;here and there. It seems like they all are beautiful/attractive/deeply needed in themselves. Our soul been so thirsty/cries out for it, we deeply assume those things are 'true'. So we chase after them. Spending our time,energy,resourse just to make things work/get what exactly it is that attracts us.
Well,its really not a sin;in itself. Its in itself a natural inclination for every human. But there's something I really want to point out here: when what we seek(above all) becomes 'our love for other things' rather than 'our love for God', then its becomes an anomaly.
Matthew 6:33King James Version (KJV)
33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.
Isn't it interesting, how that, the things that shall be added unto us can take up our attention from the love of God(our Father)? God's love is so big, it can attract any good thing (its just like a magnet{attracting iron} or honey {attracting particles}).
This is to make you understand how delicate that love is and how much

Ps.91:14-Because he hath set his love upon me, therefore will I deliver him; I will set him on high, because he hath known my name.
God telling us to set our love on him is His way of making sure no contaminants stay in our hearts and our lives are not hung on material things that'll fade away someday. Its his way of making our heart go on whether things exist or not. God telling us to set our hearts on him is His way of shaping our hearts. And we can be rest assured that if our hearts are shaped,we can walk in His will(not just permissible but perfect will) and all that we desire will be added unto us. Beyond all this, we'll be set on high.
In my last blog post 'preparation' I explained how that God always wants to prepare us for what he has prepared for us; his love is the basis for all good things: that'll last a life time. That's why his desire for us is to set our love on Him.
Its really been a while I've been here. I've really missed(writing) you all. Anyway you have a blessed day and catch y'all later.
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