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So we all have tables right now where we eat from, FIGURATIVELY
That table may be a table of joy and sadness or gloom and sorrow.  It could be a table of plenty or of scarcity. Just that experience that you may be having at this point in your life. Modecai (in the bible),had his table at the gate of the palace. Daniel's table was in a land of captivity. Away from his loved ones. Unsure and uncertain what his life would turn out to be in the next second. Totally at the mercy of the King Nebuchadnezzar.

Joseph's table was initially before his Father, and then to the pit,and then to slavery, and then to Portiphars house. He became a ruling slave and afterwards a ruling freeman.

 One thing made all the difference though, the God factor made all the difference for these men.
And so I don't know what it is thats  the table before you,I'm glad to announce to you that tables do turn, and though weeping may endure for a night... Joy comes in the morning. And though joy may appear tonight, exceeding joy will come in the morning.

Because, ...the path of the just shines brighter and brighter unto a perfect day...

In Christ Jesus, everything takes a different turn. God turns things around... Swiftly.

Just incase you haven't received Jesus, or you need to renew your relationship with him, just ask him to come into your heart and to be your Lord and saviour. Your growth will be enhanced by reading the Bible and going to a Bible based church.

God bless you and
Thanks for reading.

Yours in the Lord,


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