Hi, hi.
So I’ve been doing a little study on the book of 1Corinthians and I thought to share some intriguing lessons.
Apostle Paul here was addressing several questions from the Corinthian church. I like how he differentiated what his spirit, which of course was mature,and what the Spirit of God said.
He said to the unmarried and widows to remain single, however, he acknowledges that its infact a gift to be able to do that. He then advised that its better to get married than to burn with passion.(1Cor.7:7-9)
Apostle Paul clearly states as by the Lord that a wife should not put away her husband, and even if she will, she should stay single. I’m guessing that it was more of a record that women were the ones that left their husbands for one reason or the other.
This is a pointer for we as Christians to make a constant effort to develop ourselves in key areas of our lives. And been intentional about making the necessary adjustments for a healthy life/family.
There’s an obvious high rate of divorce in the society today. Personally,i believe it's largely due to individual lapses in growing or developing ourselves.
I hope that if you are a guy and you are reading this, you will make a strong and courageous effort to build yourself strong enough to also be able to build (your wife and family) the lady God brings your way and the kids you’ll have. I hope that you will not leave your growth to chance and time. I hope that you will take your life and decisions very seriously and know that you are a pillar and to be strong you need to ‘feed’ your mind with the right things.
To every lady reading this, I hope that you will also build yourself. And acknowledge that you are a vital part of the society. I hope you build yourself in every area and be able to stand at per as a pillar formed after the palace and be a supporting pillar in your home, society and world at large when the time is ripe.
It's centrally being the best version of who we are made to be.
From my heart to yours,
P. S-This post is backdated to wayback in July. However, couple technical issues prevented me from uploading it.
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