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Step Down and Step Up - 2

Often times God will require us to step down from certain things we engage ourselves in so that we can step up to what he has for us in the present(moment).
Saul of Tarsus lived a certain kind of life where he persecuted Christians and one day Jesus had to stop him. It’s interesting that he actually went to get a letter of permission to continue his work against Christians in Damascus. I will tag this one of the minor things he stepped up to. His major goal was to persecuted the Christians.
As God would have it, Jesus appeared to him and it’s interesting that he did not just recognize that Jesus was Lord even before Jesus introduced himself but they (Jesus and Saul) also has a conversation. This points to the fact that it doesn’t matter how distant you have been from God, he can speak to you and you can speak back to him.
In Act.9:6, Saul asked Jesus ‘…Lord, what wilt thou have me do?’ 
Saul was ready to sign up for what Jesus would have him do. At some point as he answered Gods call, he said (Phil.3:14)- ‘I press towards the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Jesus Christ.’  The call was a high calling for which he had to let go of the ‘low calling.’  
There are things in our lives that we need to step down from and certain things we need to step into in order to have a fulfilled life and they’re all tied to our decisions. Some of them are as minor as decisions for day to day life, some are major life decisions. Some things you instinctively know you should step down from, some things would have to be God speaking to you to step down from them. God has had to speak to some people repeatedly about certain things(I been one of them). If we choose to live on God’s note, it’s usually a progressive upward forward movement. Paul went ahead to transform lives in ways even him could not imagine.
What are you up to?  What have you set your mind and energy to do? Are you up in the path you know God would have you be? There’s a path that is divinely yours! Every once in a while, God will call you out.

God said come let us reason together. Life will be so much fulfilling if the life that you live is one that presses on to the mark of the high calling of God. Often times, the changes or decisions are very specific to our lives.
Several times, God has called my attention to things that I’m either doing right or wrong. In the end, I reap the dividend of doing the right things and of course, when I’m been stubborn, and things all apart (I don’t great a desirable result), then I see the reason why I should have just done things right.
In the end, we chart the course of our lives by the decisions we make.



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