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It was one of those days in September (2015). I had this outfit on to class. I sure did feel good and confident in it :) .
I'm getting to class and couple of my group mate are amazed! (that expression between shock and cool). Yeah!

I've never really dressed in that kind of style before.😃....
As I walked down the street,I actually did think about people been surprised at my outfit for the day. But then,I thought,this may not be my conventional style but someone will see me and get very comfortable been his/herself. Why?- someone else can resonate with their style.That alone gave me some more confidence with every step I took.

Every other person is classy and elegant but you are bohemian 
Every other person is corporate but you are casual
Everyone seems to have it all figured out but you are lost.
Everyone seems to be short but you are tall
Everyone seems to be doing life big but you can't still place what God would have you do
Everyone this,everyone that, but you? NADA!(a Nigerian slang meaning nothing!)
Everyone is into slow songs but you are into rap
maybe you've had a past that  keeps hunting you
Everyone seem to #fit but you are a #misfit!
Yeah,you heard that right- a misfit.

Many think they don't fit in because they have a style different from the norm. The society, family,friends or even the church(I didn't say the Bible but church!) has painted the picture of who an 'IDEAL PERSON' should be. Well,maybe that ideal person really does exist but the only ideal you is you been you! You know what I mean? 

Talking about church;some think they don't fit in because church is for the holy and righteous;classy and elegant,good and perfect. Lol. So its one of two things;either they go to Church and don't feel it because they don't seem to fit in or they don't bother going because they think its not for their kind of person.The best way to be the best you is to be real to yourself and GOD! 

You think because of your style, God is not for you. The truth is God wants you to be yourself with him. He wants to show his glory through your kind of person. I need you to pause for a while and allow this sink.
Do you really think God would make you and then not be able to work with you? Think about it. Yes, there may be things that needs to be straightened out in you but it takes you  to allow God into your space for those things to really be straightened out.

You don't have to fit into what society says. You just have to fit into God's mould. God is only ready to work with you through your personality. He doesn't work from the outside in but the inside out.He framed  you after all.Be true to yourself and allow his love bring out the gold in you and remove the ashes.

God doesn't work on a cover up. God works on real people. He knew what he was doing when he gave you your kind of personality. Let God define you not society. Let your living not be to fit in to what may be conventional. Let the work of your maker in you be your reason for living. So you may be the liberation some other people need. Only God can really help and make you find your FIT in His earth.
You can only be all God has called you to be if you live from His view of you. 
Let God fix you and fit you!
Look you have been called out to stand out. So let it be! You really give the world a little more beauty with your difference. 
YOU WILL BE EVERYONE ELSE BUT YOU IF YOU LET EVERYONE ELSE BUT YOUR MAKER DEFINE YOU! So that you stand out for others to gaze upon God's glory through you.


  1. It was one of those days in September (2015). I had this outfit on to class. I sure did feel good and confident in
    I'm getting to class and couple of my group mate are amazed! (that expression between shock and cool). Yeah!

    I've never really dressed in that kind of style before.😃....
    As I walked down the street,I actually did think about people been surprised at my outfit for the day. But then,I thought,this may not be my conventional style but someone will see me and get very comfortable been his/herself because someone else can resonate with their style.That alone gave me so much confidence with every step I took.

    Every other person is classy and elegant but you are bohemian
    Every other person is corporate but you are casual
    Everyone seems to have it all figured out but you are lost.
    Everyone seems to be short but you are tall
    Everyone seems to be doing life big but you can't still place what God would have you do
    Everyone this,everyone that, but you? NADA!(a Nigerian slang meaning nothing!)
    Everyone is into slow songs but you are into rap
    maybe you've had a past that keeps hunting you
    Everyone seem to #fit but you are a #misfit!
    Yeah,you heard that right- a misfit.

    Many think they don't fit in because they have a style different from the norm. The society, family,friends or even the church(I didn't say the Bible but church!) has painted the picture of who an 'IDEAL PERSON' should be. Well,maybe that ideal person really does exist but the only ideal you is you been you! You know what I mean?

    Talking about church;some think they don't fit in because church is for the holy and righteous;classy and elegant,good and perfect. Lol. So its one of two things;either they go to Church and don't feel it because they don't seem to fit in or they don't bother going because they think its not for their kind of person.The best way to be the best you is to be real to yourself and GOD!

    You don't have to fit into what society says. You just have to fit into Gods mould. God is only ready to work with you through your personality. He doesn't work from the outside in but the inside out.He framed you after all.Be true to yourself and allow his love bring out the gold in you and remove the ashes.

    God doesn't work on a cover up. God works on real people. He knew what he was doing when he gave you your kind of personality. Let God define you not society. Let your living not be to fit in to what may be conventional. Let the work of your maker in you be your reason for living.So may be the liberation some other people need.Only God can really help and make you find your fit in His world.
    You can only be all God has called you to be if you live from his view of you.
    Let God fix you and fit you!
    Look you have been called out to stand out. So let it be! You really give the world a little more beauty with your difference.
    YOU WILL BE EVERYONE ELSE BUT YOU IF YOU LET EVERYONE ELSE BUT YOUR MAKER DEFINE YOU! So that you stand out for others to gaze upon God's glory through you.

  2. hmmm..... really wish people see that really but cool outfit too

    1. @demoinfinit, you could share it
      and thanks:) .

  3. Thankyou, that was inspirational.Before I was feeling out of place but now I know, that was nothing to be afraid of. The Holy Spirit is always there with us and for us. I hope you continue sharing and voicing your opinion. God bless

    1. wow! I am glad this was timely for you Daniel. Thats very true,the Holyspirit is always there. I will by God's grace. Amen. :)

  4. Like a musician once said 'There's no such thing as a life that's better than yours' As stated above GOD works through variety He deposits a part of His nature inside everyone of us, we always try to limit Him by putting ourselves and people in boxes; classifying them how they should be, look, worship God,etc. Forgetting the 'I AM' is being both infinite and infinitesimal. Thanks for reminding me of the beauty of His nature, something very good to contemplate on.

    1. @unknown :), really wish I knew you,but yeah,I couldn't agree more with all that you've said.


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