:) I’ve not written in about a month
now because I needed to focus on some other things.
Lately, my attention has been drawn to food. I mean, gooooooood food.
The kind of food whose appearance gives some Jesus Joy. You know what I mean?
Sighting them a lot makes one absolutely crave for them. While some of
them take only a little while to get prepared, some of them take quite some
time. However, if you ever take your time to prepare them, you’d be so glad you
did. These are the kind of food that cost quite some amount (to pay for) in a
good restaurant.
(photocredit-google images)
“You’re going to find that
there will be times when people will have no stomach for solid teaching, but
will fill up on spiritual junk food-catchy opinions that tickle their fancy.
They’ll turn their backs on truth and chase mirages. But you-keep your eye on
what you’re doing; accept the hard times along with the good, keep the message
alive: do a thorough job as God’s servant.”
Just like good food is super good for our body, it’s important for us
to pay attention to God’s word and spend a good amount of time feeding on His
word. Just like good physical meal will always leave a good smile on our face,
give a full stomach and some good energy and immunity (to our body), if we
invest time in God's word, in the end, we will grow, mature and live life on a
better note.
My question for you today is this ‘How much of God’s word are you
taking in?
I’ll like to hear from you. Leave your views, comments, questions and i'll be glad to respond.
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