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God, through men

I want to say a big THANK YOU to everyone who have taken out any bit of their  time to read through any of the write up on this blog. I do not take this for granted at all, and i find it an honor to serve you in this way.

Today, I’m just going to share a  big lesson the Holy Spirit opened my eyes to during the festive season. It was in the  form of a question and it changed my perspective about people in a different way.

Matthew.2:1- when Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod the king(Herod the Great) magi (wise men) from the east came to Jerusalem, asking 2 “Where is He who has been born King of the Jews? For we have seen His star in the East  and have come to worship Him….”

The wise men had seen a star that represented the birth of Jesus Christ. This they had expected because of what had gone forth through prophesy. It is interesting that they were so excited to see the baby with this star. It was more interesting that it was only three of them that seemed to take this matter seriously, and of course, Herod the king who was insecure about the birth of Jesus and wanted him killed.

The three wise men were able to trace the star and located where Jesus was laid. They had a prior instruction from the king Herod to inform him of the location of Jesus when they finally discovered it. However, these men were warned by God in a dream not to give a feedback to king Herod.

Matthew2:12  And having been warned by God in a dream not to go back to Herod, the magi left for their own country by another way.

I found this interesting again because It appears that if these men had not gotten the instruction from God through a dream, or peradventure they had not followed what God told them in the dream, then we would probably not be talking about Jesus in an awesome way as we are. ‘What if they had not followed the instruction they had in the dream?”

This made me to realize how highly important certain people are in our lives. These were the men that God used to protect Jesus’ life, even when he was not aware of what was going on. There are several ways in which God ensures our protection which we are even not aware about. And there are certain people which God uses that we may never know.

 In my little years here on earth, I have seen God use the people I would never have thought about to help me in ways I could not have helped myself, and I am ever grateful for these kinds of people.

This passage makes me see why it is important that we pray for people like this to come into our lives. Simeon (Luke2:25-35) had been praying ceaselessly for Jesus, even before he was born.

 I pray that you will always have people like the three wise men in your life at every stage that you need them in Jesus name, Amen!!!

Have a blessed New Year.

Peace and Love!


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