'In the Journey of life,there are winding roads,
mountains wide and valleys low...'
These lines are from a song I like so much-Called to be by Jonathan Nelson!-you should listen to it. :)
I came across this bible passage and I thought it was great I shared the beauty it brought to my soul...lol.
Romans 12:17-21(especially 21)AMP-
'Do not let yourself be overcome by evil but overcome (and master) evil with good.'
Though young(and learning) but yeah,I can say in life there are valleys and mountains. And they challenge your character,the very person that you are. The very core of your person!
I have come to understand that the things that challenge us as children of God are to grow us. Every challenge you face as a child of God is a pointer to what you should handle through God's word/help. Talking about living above what would frustrate your emotions and person. People will always do stuff that seem evil or that you perceive as evil. But there's something here that intrigue me-you have a role to play in what happens to you. If you read that verse properly,it says, do not allow yourself.
Its a conscious effort you make. You choose for yourself not to allow anyone to get life(peace) out of you! Like don't. Don't allow it! Meaning,its a call for you to rise above whatever could take your peace.
So you ask,How? Good question.
-Be sure you are not the issue.
-Sometimes people are frustrated and they tend to pour on others. So you want to be sure to give a listening ear,or an understanding heart(depending on the kind of relationship you have with the person).
-Never function without the Holy Spirit. He knows you and everyone around you. So he can give you wisdom to navigate. You know what I mean? :)
So yeah,you have the key to been joyful and at peace per time. You are strong like that #winks. But that's the truth!
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