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Showing posts from May, 2018

She’s our Beloved!!

So you are a fellow Nigerian and all you are speaking over this country is them curse words, God is watching you via havens wifi oo. Anyway, I remember the words of a Nigerian during one of the strike actions in one of the Nigerian Hospitals- he said ‘As long as I am concerned, this nation is gone’ Ah! that sounded like he was placing a spell or something. That was of course not his intentions. But then I realised that sometimes we are limited in the things that we allow ourselves to do ‘ for’ the nation if the thoughts we have towards her and the words we speak over her are very much on the negative side. I’m not denying the fact that Nigeria is in a state that’s not encouraging at all but then the least we can do I believe is to do some reshaping by the words we speak. Before I continue, let me share a little poem I penned down some time ago: You are a product of what You hear, see, and do So also, She’s a product of what she Hears, sees and does Nigeria.  ...